
Showing posts from March, 2022

Leticia Gomez | CEO Branding Agent

  Led by Leticia Gomez , Latina literary vet and Ascendant partner with more than 15 years of literary experience and connections. Ascendant Latin Entertainment represents the newest, up and coming, groundbreaking projects.  Even the painful and challenging environment of 2020 did not stop her to finalize top non-fiction deals in the United States. The authoritative Publishers of Marketplace say that by the end of 2020, She ranked number one in the numbers of deals that she made in the non-fiction and narrative category, number two in non-fiction in anthology and   number eight inoverallnon-fiction categories. Her clients express her as a unique and pioneering literary agent who is both relentless and savvy. Leticia Gomez , in fact; has broken barriers with extraordinary authors. She has been in publishing for over 20 years and heads up the entertainment division of CEO branding leader The Ascendant Group. Ascendant Latin Entertainment is a subdivision of Ascendant Entertainment wh

Booming your writing career with top literary agencies NYC

Top literary agencies NYC believe in twisting their strategies based on the changing scene in the publishing and marketing world.These professionals feel the pain of every new writer who have to face zigzag of rejections and an ability to cop it with his/her big list of personal sacrifices. That is the main reason behind building such a unique platform where new writers or established sports and business icons can contact them easily. It is up to you to take your creative skill into a booming zone or keep struggling with the dark side of the publishing industry.   Every field has some ratio of dark side in it but professional help erase that dark side into new accomplishment experiences. You can find several books in the market that never lose its glory years after years. For example,   “The Broken Circle” by Enjeela Ahmadi Miller. It is a story of a committed and desperate family uprooted and divided by the violence in Afghanistan in the early 1980s. the strugglers who are witn

Searching For a Literary Agent - Where Do I Start?

Searching for a Literary Agent in NY C can be a daunting task. But it is an essential one. It's true that the easiest way to find representation is through someone you know who already has industry contacts. But let's pretend you are a screenwriter who does not have any connections in Hollywood. Then where do you begin? Well first, after you have spent hours upon hours pouring your heart and soul into creating your inspired masterpiece a finished screenplay or novel manuscript emerges. The first question you should ponder is whether or not your screenplay or manuscript is ready. Sure you think it is. But there are questions that need to be answered first before it is ready for the masses. Have someone else read your screenplay. Having a fresh pair of eyes read your screenplay or manuscript can give you a new perspective. Identify any weaknesses in your story. They will need to be addressed and resolved prior to submitting your screenplay or novel manuscript to a literary

Finding an Literary Agent In New York

Finding an literary agent in New York is one of the hardest steps on the road to publication. Its importance can't be stressed enough: a good agent will provide feedback on your manuscript, get it on the desks of prospective editors, and make certain you get the best possible deal. Finish Your Novel As a pre-published author, you're not ready to begin hunting for an agent until your novel is completed and polished. Join a local critique group to get feedback about your manuscript. If you can't find a face-to-face group, consider joining an online critique group. There are many that cater to different styles of writing. If that's not an option, pay a freelance editor to offer commentary. Whatever you do: don't query until the manuscript is complete and perfect. Build Your Platform and/or Your Credibility Non-fiction writers need to show credentials in the same area as the book they are proposing. This could be a degree (the more advanced the better), servi

Reading rules everywhere through self-literary agent

  Self-literary agent   is abided by its professional oath that they took at the beginning of their career. They feel that reading can be a medicine to all mental sickness that our teenagers are going through now a days.They love to dig deep for new writers who carry calibre in removing social issues that is hindering the growth of our society. It has given a new edge to creative minds to contribute in the flourishment of the society as well as get six-figure book deals and space on NYT bestseller list. They know very well that it is not easy to get approval from big publishing houses if you are assisted with reliable non-fiction literary agents with you. The new market scene admits that publishers love to listen to these experienced agents rather than a creative individual. You must join with these professionals hands and put aside the tension of losing your 15% -20 % profit on your earing but what you are receiving   is beyond monetary gains. Just read. It is an emotional and sweep