Finding an Literary Agent In New York

Finding an literary agent in New York is one of the hardest steps on the road to publication. Its importance can't be stressed enough: a good agent will provide feedback on your manuscript, get it on the desks of prospective editors, and make certain you get the best possible deal.

Finish Your Novel

As a pre-published author, you're not ready to begin hunting for an agent until your novel is completed and polished. Join a local critique group to get feedback about your manuscript. If you can't find a face-to-face group, consider joining an online critique group. There are many that cater to different styles of writing. If that's not an option, pay a freelance editor to offer commentary.

Whatever you do: don't query until the manuscript is complete and perfect.

Build Your Platform and/or Your Credibility

Non-fiction writers need to show credentials in the same area as the book they are proposing. This could be a degree (the more advanced the better), serving as spokesperson on the topic, working in the field, and/or speaking to people at seminars or conventions devoted to the subject.


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